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The scale of a mercury thermometer.jpg

The Patient Thermometer

A History

The thermometer is a staple of the modern healthcare system, however the changes over the decades in types of the apparatus have been enormous. This website explores the evolution of the thermometer from the time when only the hand was used to discern a person’s body temperature, to the sophisticated infrared thermometer used in hospitals today.  Thermometers and their transition into the medical world, including the role nurses played in their usage, as well as the modernisation of the instrument will be presented.

Home: Welcome

A Chronological look at Thermometers

The Physical Evolution of the Thermometer

Home: About My Project

Into the Medical World

The Thermometers Transition into Medicine

This section explores how and when thermometers entered into the medical world.

Home: Watch

Enter Nurses

The Role of Nurses on the Usage and Modernisation of the Thermometer

Nurse taking patients temperature
Home: Body

Contact Me

This project was intended to meet the requirement for course work for the St. Mary’s University Public History Course.  In order to fulfill this expectation, The Victoria General School of Nursing Alumni Archives, The Association of Health Sciences Archives & Museums Nova Scotia, and the Nursing History Nova Scotia Society, were eager to contribute to their digital history archive. Subsequently, I chose the history of the thermometer.
If you have any questions regarding the content in this site, feel free to contact me and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Thanks for submitting!

Home: Contact

More Questions?

Did you have more questions about the organizations that this project was put together for? Want to get in touch with either the Victoria General Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Archives, The Society for the Nursing History of Nova Scotia, or the Association of Health Sciences Archives & Museums of Nova Scotia? 


Contact Mrs. Gloria Stephens via email at

Or visit these websites for more information:


Home: Intro

©2018 by History of the Patient Thermometer. Proudly created with

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